Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thoughts thoughts thoughts

Was talking to one of my frens recently regarding Vday and she was telling me how she envied one of her colleagues. You see, her colleague's boyfriend gave her a matching set of Chanel necklace and earrings for Vday!

Judging from her tone and expression, it made the colleague sound like the luckiest and most loved person on earth. Hence I presume that such a gift (which of cos must have cost a bomb) 'shows' that the boyfriend loves her colleague alot?

Is it really the case?

Don't get me wrong. Of cos I know that if a guy is willing to spend ALOT of money on a girl, it shows to a certain extent how important the girl is to him. But for me, I always believed that the best gifts cannot be bought, nor placed with a price tag.

Perhaps I'm a hopeless romantic, or perhaps my thinking is too conservative. But I really think that a well thought-out, handmade present that took tonnes of effort is the best present for the one you love, because no amount of money can justify the amount of time and effort you put in to show your love =) Sadly though it seems that such acts are slowly disappearing in our materialistic world, where people use being 'busy' as an excuse too frequently, too loosely.


On another note CNY has been more or less the same as previous years, except for the constant asking of 'when are you gonna get a girlfriend' kinda questions which I totally expected.

Just to clarify, I'm not remaining single because I'm still thinking abt my last relationship. I believe that I have moved on. There's too many factors involved here that all add up to why I am still single.

First and foremost, I do not want to be in a relationship SIMPLY for the sake of being in a relationship. I don't see the need for me to want something simply because I do not HAVE it and other ppl do.

Second, I do not know if I can commit to a serious relationship with my life now. Perhaps I've gotten used to being single, and it'll take some effort to make time for my other half if I really do get attached. Of cos it may seem to be an excuse, but well thats what I feel.

Third, I believe I've changed my mindset in handling relationships with girls, which may not be a good thing. There are alot more things I tend to think of now before I really take the plunge. and hence as the wiser ppl say, 'the more you think, the less you do'.

Lastly and perhaps most importantly, it is hard to meet new friends of the opposite gender in my line of work!! =P

So well I'm taking things slow for now. I still e kinda guy who believes in fate. If it happens, it happens. If not, no loss to me anyway =)