Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Dear Blog,

I know its been quite a while since i published anything here.. my apologies for that..

its not that i do not have anything to blog about anymore, but rather there's been too many things happening that its hard to even sit down and spend half an hour penning down my thoughts here.

Work has taken its toll on me. Just last week I spent 2 days out in the field in some ulu place in tuas south for training under BOTH rain and shine. nearly fell sick then. this week I spent another 2 days going for my range shoot. At least the effort paid off and I achieved marksman for the first time! $200 into my wallet! =) Next week I'll have to spend at least another 2 days out in the field at tuas south again... really need to take a break during the christmas week.

It doesnt help that I've got a live firing exercise to prepare for, or that my secondary appointment as a secretary of the organising committee of track and field is any less taxing. Worse, I'm working under incompetent bosses who simply throw everything to me while they sit back, sip their coffees and keep prompting me for updates. If there's anything I've learnt from this secondary appointment, its this:

Never be a secretary for any organising committee, especially when the chairman/ dychairman are people who are simply postmen who delegate work but never really get their hands dirty in doing anything at all. As a result, ANYTHING that doesnt fall under any sub-committee becomes the job of the secretary, who is just a one-man army. you get the point.

and perhaps because of all the endless demands placed on me, I guess my mindset has sort of changed. In the past, I would have taken up all these demands and did every single one of them to the best of my abilities. Now, however, I realise that it has come to a stage where I'm unable to accomplish EVERYTHING to the standard I'd have preferred. So instead of doing everything, i'll just focus on the ones with higher priorities and heck the rest.

Apart from work, I'm trying to achieve balance to spend time for my gf, my family, my friends, and myself. Its not easy, but i'm doing what I can.

After all, I have only one pair of hands, one brain, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.


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