Its been another uneventful week, with nothing really significant to make me feel like blogging about haha..
Perhaps the only highlight was getting back the ST midterm paper on my friday econs tutorial. Of cos, i had wished for a high score. But after Monday's lecture where ST herself showed us the mean of the cohort, I had to lower my expectations. After all, having to add 15 marks for moderation such that the mean is 50/100 says alot about the difficulty of the paper. For me, the result i got was not wat i had in mind ideally, but i was content nonetheless =)
Was eating at Mac yesterday after playing bball with my bro. Being the "exam period" now, the restaurant was packed with teens busy preparing for their O's and A's. My bro commented that there's actually not much pt in studying so hard, you just need to tap into a profitable market.
what he said makes sense of cos. But instead of saying that we've been "brain-washed" by the education system, i prefer to think of it as wat is necessary for survival in this society. Lets face it, in Singapore you need qualifications.
More often than not, successful entrepreneurs are people who take great risks. And in my opinion this happens for 2 reasons.
1) The person is well-qualified enough to fall back on his qualifications and get on with a comfortable life even if he fails in his venture as an entrepreneur.
2) The person is unable to do well enough under the education system required by the society and is hence left with no choice but to take such risks.
For the majority that are stuck in the middle, there's simply not enough motivation to spark off a business venture. Not with the high admin costs, rental fees, and labour wages.
Hence I feel that we strive to do well because it gives us a better chance of having a better life. Bread on the table comes first. Butter on the bread can come later.
Just thoughts =)