Thursday, July 31, 2008

A story

Was pleasantly surprised that My Paper (我报) has some meaningful articles every now and then.

Just wanna share one such article (or rather, story) that I came across yesterday.


A professor went to his philosophy class one day carrying a huge glass jar and 3 containers, and placed the jar on the table so that every student could see. He then opened the first container containing golf balls and filled the jar with the balls to the brim. He then asked the class if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

Smiling, the professor opened the 2nd container containing pebbles and proceeded to use them to fill up the gaps in between the golf balls. He then asked the class if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor then opened the 3rd container that contained sand, and further filled the gaps in between the pebbles in the jar. He then asked the class if the jar was full. The students laughed.

The professor then went on to say, " This glass jar represents your life. The golf balls are like the important things in life, such as your family, loved ones, health, and your passions. The pebbles represent your job, house, car and other material wants. The sand represents all other minute things in life."

"You should spend more time looking after the golf balls first, for they make your life full even without the pebbles and sand. But if you fill in the pebbles and sand first, you won't have space for the golf balls anymore."


Amidst the hectic schedule we follow everyday, be it working or studying, what should our priorities be? How often have we used the excuse of "busy" to turn someone else down? How many people have compromised on family, loved ones and health in the pursuit of wealth?

Take care of the golf balls first.
The rest are just sand.

Just some thoughts.


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